Tuesday, June 30, 2009

All hail SENATOR Franken

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

The Minnesota Supreme Court unanimously rules in his favor and Norm Coleman finally accepts reality, letting Tim Pawlenty off the hook.

Lee J got her shirt signed by him. Wonder how much that's worth right now.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Another one bites the dust

At this rate, the GOP is going to have to put out a Craigslist ad for somebody to run against Obama in 2012.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Why we need public health care

A common practice among health insurers is rescission, customers dropped from coverage as soon as they need care. Now that the Democrats are a majority, lawmakers want to put a stop to it. So they had some execs from three of the biggest companies testify. Here's how it went:
Late in the hearing, Stupak, the committee chairman, put the executives on the spot. Stupak asked each of them whether he would at least commit his company to immediately stop rescissions except where they could show "intentional fraud."

The answer from all three executives:


Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) said that a public insurance plan should be a part of any overhaul because it would force private companies to treat consumers fairly or risk losing them.

"This is precisely why we need a public option," Dingell said.
You can see for yourself, it's about 4:45 in:

Health care reform is not reform until it has the public option.