Wednesday, April 30, 2008
KGO TV News calls Democrats liars
The second ad referred to was the one where McCain listed the reasons why we're better off than we were since Bush took office. Matthews said this was an "old" clip taken from 2006. No mention of the fact that McCain was as wrong then as he is now. He then accused the Democrats of fudging the numbers, specifically the increase in the price of gas, which went down after 9-11 because nobody was driving. He also said that Bush increased jobs over his term without mentioning that the increase has not kept up with the increase in population.
LeeJ is still purple over this and sent a nasty email to them. The media bias against the Democrats is not limited to Fox and CNN. Even the local media will call the Democrats liars on the flimsiest of premises while ignoring the campaign of misinformation the Republicans have unloaded on us.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A tale of two pastors
Hagee said New Orleans deserved Katrina and calls for us to nuke Iran. If Obama is to be shackled with everything Wright says, why isn't that same standard applied to McCain?
You said it, not me
The Republican National Committee is honking and beeping about this ad the Democrats are running in North Carolina. The RNC claims the DNC is spreading false information and misleading the public.
Huh? How can they mislead the public? McCain does all the talking. Republicans keep claiming that McCain never said he wanted to be in Iraq a hundred years. Well, here it is.
Monday, April 28, 2008
I love prog
And anybody who doesn't like it can kiss my ass. We may be in the waning days of the republic, but tonight there's a balmy breeze wafting through the windows, I have a cold beer and I'm rockin' some classic Camel that I inherited from the late Alan Stewart. Say what you will about prog, but it has held up well over time and it has more influence over subsequent music than anybody will admit.
Still think we're free?
The problem with this is that many voters do not have photo ID and would have difficulty getting it. That includes elderly people who have moved recently, poor people, students and people who have religious objections to have their picture taken. The biggest groups are students and poor people who tend to vote Democrat. Hmm. Sho' nuff, this case is Republican-driven. The Indiana Secretary of State said, "this says to the voter you can have confidence again in elections because we're doing some of the things the guy at the video store does when you go and rent a video." Sure. People shoplift videos all the time. How many votes have been stolen like this?
None. Zilch, zip, zero. Justice Stevens himself admitted, "The record contains no evidence of any such fraud actually occuring in Indiana at any time in its history." He had to go back 140 years to Boss Tweed in New York to find a case. This is part of the Republican "voter fraud" offensive that Alberto Gonzales put into place. Voter fraud is a myth. It doesn't happen. Voter disenfranchisement will now happen much more often.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
In addition, anthough the weather during the week was great for yard work- partly cloudy, lower 60's, it shot up into the mid eighties for the weekend. Took a big bite out of the Pellegrino stash. Right now, everything hurts but the worst is over.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Evolution is faster than you think
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
We Have A Winner!
Bought and Sold
That's not even the worst part. Think of the uproar if a Democrat was in the White House right now. As it is, the networks have refused to comment and there's not a peep heard outside the blogosphere. We're effectively under a news blackout about the subject. They know they'll just pretend it never happened and the only ones who know are the DFHs that nobody listens to anyway. Think we're still in the Land Of Liberty?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Veronica Jacobi for Supervisor
Happy Passover
Friday, April 18, 2008
You Go, Barney
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I Got Yer Maverick Right Here
Think bin Laden Watched the Debate?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Halloween is Just Around The Corner
Our Government Tortures
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Yer Librul Media at Work
Well-Funded Stupidity
Monday, April 14, 2008
Like A Rock
I had to set up my sprinklers already this year and the price of water is going up. I've already got a drip in the back so now I'm going to put raised beds in the patch of grass that gets cooked by the sun every summe no matter how much I water. I can easily run a drip line to it. and grow stuff that we can eat.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
When did "care" become a four-letter word?
Our government was built and rebuilt on the concept that everyone is equal. This concept makes no sense if one doen't care about others. Our government once cared enough to right injustices, provide a safety net to the less fortunate among us, to fund research that didn't have an immediate payoff, preserve our nation's natural treasures for their own sake and to help people in war-torn and poverty-sticken countries get on their feet. Now our current Vice President, when asked if he cares, flatly says "no."
Our religious leaders, whose entire reason for existing is to care, do not care about the rights of people who believe differently. They do not care anymore about the poor, unless they can control the giving and skim a little for themselves in the process. They do not care whether they interpret their scriptures the way their God intended them to, only that others cannot tell the difference.
Our business leaders are no longer concerned with making a quality product, providing good jobs and being a pillar of the community. Now they only care about how much profit they can wring out for this quarter and how much gold they can pack in their parachutes before their incompetence is found out.
The press once considered itself the fourth branch of govenment. It was their purpose to make sure the truth was told and eveyone knew what was really going on. Now they just care about being invited to the right parties and whether Britney has OD'ed yet.
Even our sports heroes no longer care about the game, their families or even their own health. Winning is the only thing.
The thing that everyone forgets about caring is that it's not just for bleeding-heart do-gooders, it's practical. We suffer the consequences from our lack of care. We can see it all around us. We stopped caring about our planet, now our crops are wilting, our forests are burning, icecaps are melting and we're all slowly being poisoned. We stopped caring about our children, now they're undereducated, overmedicated and on their way to prison. We stopped caring about a just wage rather than shareholder profit and now our jobs are disappearing.
Are we that bad? I don't think so. You see, we really do care, as much as we ever have. It's just that life is complicated, high-maintenance and requires constant attention. Our immediate needs caused us to lose sight of the big picture. And that's when the people who really don't care made their move.
When I say we care, I mean the vast majority of us. There are those of us who care only about their own immediate personal gain. These sociopaths of the spirit, from the habitual criminal to the corrupt head of state lack the ability and inclination to care about others. The advantage they get from that is that they are single-minded in their pursuit and never give up. While we were too busy they took power. But we outnumber them and we can take it back. We'll have to do the jobs they're supposed to do. We'll have to let our floors get a little dusty and our grass grow long to attend to these issues but we can do it. We all know people who genuinely care and are experts in their fields, and we can remove the socipaths from their positions and install some of our own. We've done it before and we can do it again.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Fished Out
Friday, April 11, 2008
Summer's Here
The Bottom Line on McCain
Speier Comes Out Swinging
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ze need more of ze punishment I think.
More Republican Math
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Shut Um Down
Shiver Me Timbers
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Keep Ridin' That Bike
Except I ride my bike. I get in free. I don't ride when it rains, but it doesn't rain very much out here. In the ten years that I've been doing this, I've saved about 8 grand or so and my savings rate is accelerating. Granted, I live close enough and I don't have kids to pick up and I don't have to wear a suit, but still, I think it just doesn't occur to people that they can do this.
That may change. Every time there's a spike in gas prices I see more people in the bike lane. I really don't mind the prices going up, especially in the summer when I can ride every day. More people will ride and we'll use that much less oil. And have thighs of steel.
Monday, April 7, 2008
McCain and...Condi?
This has got to be a hoax. Can these people really be that far gone? Condoleezza Rice, one of the most ineffectual and clueless Secretaries of State in history? The one who gave us the infamous smoking gun-mushroom cloud line? The one who went shoe shopping while bodies floated in thestreets of New Orleans? Does she think that anyone is going to have anything to do with her once she's out of office?
McCain has already tied himself to the Iraq millstone. Having a member of the administration responsible for it as his running mate won't help. Not to mention that they're going to need every one of the racist/sexist votes this year. They can't afford to blow that.
Still, it's fun to think about. Imagine the snark.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
What part of "Health Care" do we not understand?
The problem with letting the market decide is that the market is concerned with making a profit, providing "care" is just the means to that end. As long as insurance providers make money by denying care, they will do so, with little or no remorse. The results of this is that we spend more on our health insurance than any other country, yet most of us our still one major illness or accident away from financial ruin. Single payer health insurance is not "socialism," it's compassion and common sense.
Incidentally, one notable policy difference between Hillary and Obama is on this subject, with Hillary's plan closer to the universal coverage we all need. If Obama wins the nomination and hopefully, the White House, Hillary could spearhead a drive towards universal care from the Senate. Her "Hillarycare" was sneered at in the past, but I think the American people, if not the politicians, are ready for it. At least it's about care, not profit and that's whare we need to start.
Skin In The Game
McCain, however, is a little harder to figure out. With all his self-proclaimed "experience" why can't he tell the difference between Sunni and Shia? Why does his handler, Joe Lieberman have to whisper a correction in his ear that Iran is an enemy, not a funder of al-Qaeda? It makes me think that there is a driven compartmentation in the man when facts do not match an ideology ha has invested so much in.
That makes him even scarier than the Bush/Cheney regime we're currently suffering under. Bush and Cheney have never been tested, not like McCain, so their swaggering bluster and eagerness to wield our nation's military as their own personal billy club is easy to see as a yearning for heroism, however misplaced. McCain actually did pay heroism's price, and his son is too. McCain's father and grandfather were both admirals. I only have an observer's perspective on this, but maybe McCain simply cannot conceive of solutions that don't involve military power, either threatened or deployed.
"100 years in Iraq" was not meant by McCain to be flippant. That's one campaign promise he intends to keep.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Planting Bug's Bit Me
should start planting drought-tolerant stuff now.
Friday, April 4, 2008
A Consensus Opinion
Dick Cheney said that history will vindicate this administration. Returns are now coming in and they're not good. 61% of historians rate Bush as the Worst President Ever. An amazing 98% rate him a failure.
John McCain wants to continue this war and these policies. How much easier could the choice in November get?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Cool Palaeo Stuff
Cool Astronomy Stuff
These people must all be closet sadists. They must get tautly tumescent at the thought of naked prisoners struggling with their heads held under water. There have been volumes written as to why the Bush administration wanted Iraq so bad. Maybe it wasn't about oil or the Rapture or one-upping the old man. Maybe they just wanted some videos to watch by themselves, with some lotion and paper towels.